consumable materials — Materials that are used in a production process although, unlike direct materials, they do not form part of the direct cost of sales. Examples are cooling fluid for production machinery, lubricating oil, and sanding discs. In circumstances in… … Big dictionary of business and management
indirect materials — Those materials that do not feature in the final product but are necessary to carry out the production, such as machine oil, cleaning materials, and consumable materials. Compare: direct materials … Accounting dictionary
indirect materials — Those materials that do not feature in the final product but are necessary to carry out the production, such as machine oil, cleaning materials, and consumable materials. Compare direct materials … Big dictionary of business and management
Sabatier reaction — The Sabatier reaction or Sabatier process involves the reaction of hydrogen with carbon dioxide at elevated temperatures and pressures in the presence of a nickel catalyst to produce methane and water. Optionally ruthenium on alumina makes a more … Wikipedia
manroland — AG Legal status Limited company (Aktiengesellschaft) Founded 1979 (sheetfed 1871, webfed 1845) Location Offenbach am Main, Deutschland Leadership … Wikipedia
Fuel — Any material that can be burned to make energy. A substance that can be burned to product heat. *** Any material substance that can be consumed to supply heat or power. Included are petroleum, coal, and natural gas (the fossil fuels), and … Energy terms
cost item — A category of costs incurred by an organization that are of a similar nature; they are collected together both for the purposes of reporting and because they can be subjected to similar treatment by the costing system. Examples of cost items are… … Accounting dictionary
running costs — The expenditure incurred in order to carry out the operations of a fixed asset. Examples are power, maintenance, and consumable materials for a machine or fuel, oil, tyres, and servicing for motor vehicles … Accounting dictionary
variable overhead cost — The elements of an organization s indirect costs for a product that vary in total in proportion to changes in the levels of production or sales. Examples can include power, commission earned by sales personnel, and consumable materials … Accounting dictionary
running costs — The expenditure incurred in order to carry out the operations of a fixed asset. Examples are power, maintenance, and consumable materials for a machine or fuel, oil, tyres, and servicing for motor vehicles … Big dictionary of business and management